Taking care of soils since 1924
IUSS Alert 167 (May 2019)

IUSS Alert 167 (May 2019)


IUSS celebrates its 95th Anniversary

On May 19th, 95 years ago, was the official establishment of the International Society of Soil Science in Rome. A lot has happened in soil science and the International Union of Soil Sciences since then. We invite all members to celebrate this anniversary by promoting soil science around the world and by awareness raising among citizens to preserve this precious resource, which is the basis of life on earth.


International Poster Contest ‘Soilutions’ to solve soil degradation problems – submission deadline extended

IUSS considers stopping soil degradation as one of its most important tasks, and invites you to propose in a poster your ‘Soilutions’ to address soil problems in order to preserve this unique resource and life. The ideas and proposals should represent the role of the soil as an essential natural resource to preserve the environment. IUSS will award 1,000 USD from the Stimulus Fund for the best ‘Soilutions’ poster and 500 USD each for the second and third best poster. The best 12 posters will be displayed on the IUSS website and a calendar shall be made using these posters. Poster submission deadline has been extended until June 15, 2019.

Read more: https://iuss.org/index.php?article_id=26&goback=619


Dick Arnold received Guy Smith Medal

Since Dick Arnold could not attend the World Congress of Soil Science in Rio, Curtis Monger and John Galbraith (current and past chairs of Commission 1.4 Soil Classification) and Erika Michéli, chair of Division 1, organised a celebration event in his home town West Lafayette, Indiana, and presented the award to Dick Arnold, Honorary Member of the IUSS. Dick Arnold was granted this prestigious IUSS award in honour of his outstanding contributions to soil science in research, teaching and outreach.

The IUSS Guy Smith Medal is the award of Commission 1.4 Soil Classification, and is awarded in every 2 years to distinguished soil scientists in the field of soil classification and/or mapping.


Henrik Breuning-Madsen (1949 – 2018)

Professor, DSc, PhD Henrik Breuning-Madsen, long-standing secretary of Danish Soil Science Society, died on 24 November 2018 in a tragic car accident.

Henrik Breuning-Madsen got his MSc degree in geography from University of Copenhagen (UC) in 1975 and three years later he got the PhD degree based on a thesis on soil surveying. In 1983 he defended his DSc thesis on detailed classification and mapping of soils in Western Denmark (Jutland). Appointed associate professor at (UC) in 1983, Henrik headed the section for mapping of marginal Danish land and coordinated construction of the European soil analysis data base. From 1991 to his death, Henrik was professor in soil geography at UC.

During the entire period, Henrik participated in many soil geographic projects in- and outside Denmark. Because of great knowledge and broad interests, Henrik got several positions of trust. Apart from serving as secretary of Danish Soil Science Society for many years, he was leader of the Geographic Institute. Henrik was secretary-general and finally vice president of the Royal Danish Geographic Society. He was editor or editorial board member of some scientific journals.

With Henrik’s death we lost a very special and enterprising researcher; the student have lost a committed teacher; Danish Soil Science Society has lost an inspiring and an open-minded board member; AND we lost a good friend and colleague.

By Ingeborg Callesen, Gry Lyngsie, Bjarne W. Strobel & Ole K. Borggaard (shortened)

General News

Soil Health Mission Board

The European Commission has identified five main missions that will serve as the main pillars of Horizon Europe, one of which targets Soil Health and Food. The missions are designed to make a real difference in the lives of citizens and society as a whole by boosting the impact of EU-funded research and innovation.

The Commission has just launched a call for experts to join ‘Mission Boards’, which will advise the Commission for the identification and implementation of each mission. Members of the ‘Mission Boards’ will be high-level independent experts, who will help shape their respective objectives, indicators and timelines.

Further information on Missions can be found here: https://ec.europa.eu/info/news/commission-invites-top-experts-shape-new-research-and-innovation-missions-2019-may-13_en

Application forms for Mission Boards: http://ec.europa.eu/transparency/regexpert/index.cfm?do=calls.calls_for_app


1 million species face extinction — soil could be a solution

An intergovernmental science-policy group of the United Nations found — and the United States agreed — that 1 million species are threatened with extinction, and that one factor in that decline was the decline of carbon in soil. Specifically, 5.6 gigatons of annual CO2 emissions are sequestered in marine and terrestrial ecosystems. That’s equivalent to 60 percent of global fossil fuel emission. The finding released in a report May 6 also found that it is not too late to stop this decline, but action is needed immediately at the local, country, and global level.

Read more: https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/442239-un-1-million-species-threatened-with-extinction-by-humans

[From: ASA-CSSA-SSSA Science Policy Report, 15 May 2019]


This global map of manure could help save farming as we know it

To grow the world’s wheat, corn, and beans, farmers need phosphorus—an essential nutrient that comes from bird and bat droppings and rock deposits. But the global supply of easily mineable phosphorus is dwindling; to stave off the coming drought, scientists are exploring an alternative: recycling animal manure for its phosphorus content. Now, they’ve come up with the world’s first map of this underappreciated resource, which shows that most manure is exactly where farmers need it—in their own backyards.

Read more: https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2019/05/global-map-manure-could-help-save-agriculture-we-know-it?utm_campaign=news_daily_2019-05-07&et_rid=49165632&et_cid=2804893

[From: ASA-CSSA-SSSA Science Policy Report, 15 May 2019]


7th GSP Plenary Assembly

The 7th GSP Plenary Assembly will be held at FAO headquarters from 5 – 7 June 2019. The Plenary is the main decision body of the GSP.  Representatives from FAO member countries and GSP partners will review the progress made and discuss the work plan for the next year. Deadline for registration: 29 May 2019

Read more: http://www.fao.org/global-soil-partnership/about/plenary-assembly/en/


Call for projects in the Eurasian region

Fill out the application form and send it to the GSP Secretariat by 31 May 2019. The FAO’s GSP and the Eurasian Soil Partnership (EASP), in collaboration with the Eurasian Center for Food Security (ECFS), are pleased to announce two calls for research and implementation projects directed to EASP countries: 1) Soil Research Projects and 2) Soil Salinity Mitigation and Adaptation Projects, focusing on the assessment of soil salinity and sustainable practices to reduce anthropogenic salinization and/or increase soil organic carbon and innovative agricultural practices to adapt to and mitigate soil salinization.

Read more: http://www.fao.org/global-soil-partnership/resources/highlights/detail/en/c/1189922/


Global assessment: SOC Sequestration Potential Map

Carbon sequestration is a growing topic that addresses one important aspect of an overall strategy for carbon management to help mitigate the increasing emissions of CO2. Soil is recognized as an important component of the carbon cycle due to its great potential to sequester carbon. The GSP is currently finalizing the technical aspects for the Global Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration potential map (GSOCseq map) together with its technical networks and world-renowned SOC experts. A coordinated and country-driven approach will ensure tangible results and impact at a national and global scale.

Read more: http://www.fao.org/global-soil-partnership/intergovernmental-technical-panel-soils/gsoc17-implementation/en/


The multi-faced role of soil in the Near East and North Africa

The policy brief, launched on 31 March 2019 at the Near East and North Africa Land and Water Days, aims to raise awareness and trigger policy action on the added value of soil resources in the Near East and North Africa (NENA) region. English | French | Arabic


English: http://www.fao.org/documents/card/en/c/CA3803EN

[The four items above are from the Global Soil Partnership #23 – Newsletter, 3 May 2019]


Baboons’ gut makeup is determined mostly by soil, not genetics

You are what you eat. And when you eat a lot of dirt, the makeup of your gut will change—at least, if you’re a baboon. A new study shows local soils, not genetics, may be the primary determinant of baboons’ gut microbiota, the vast ecosystem of microorganisms that live in the gut, digesting food, fighting infections, and breaking down toxins.

Read more: https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2019/04/baboons-gut-makeup-determined-mostly-soil-not-genetics

[From: ASA-CSSA-SSSA Science Policy Report, 1 May 2019]


Laser diffraction evaluation for soil particle size determination

Soil particle size distribution is a fundamental soil characteristic that highly affects soil water retention, soil fertility and microbial activity, and requires accurate determination. The laser diffraction method is increasingly being applied to measure soil particle size owing to its merits of rapid processing, high reproducibility and detailed analysis for a wide range of size fractions; yet some ambiguities exist regarding the comparability of its results with those obtained by other classical methods.

Read more: https://dl.sciencesocieties.org/content/Laser-Diffraction-Evaluation-for-Soil-Particle-Size-Determination

[From: ASA-CSSA-SSSA Science Policy Report, 1 May 2019]


A Cascade Extraction Method for risking phosphorus leaching

Soil phosphorus leaching has aroused a wide concern in recent years. There is much information about the evaluation of P leaching in topsoil. However, little information is available on the evaluation of P leaching from soil profiles in agroforestry areas. In an article recently published in the Journal of Environmental Quality, researchers proposed a cascade extraction method to determine the leachable P in the underlying soil extracted using extraction solution of the adjacent upper layer of soil (ESAUS), and in the topsoil, it was still extracted by 0.01M CaCl2. This method was defined as the Cascade Extraction Method. Then the change-point can be estimated according to a split-line model between soil leachable extracted by ESAUS and soil Olsen-P.

Read more: https://dl.sciencesocieties.org/content/Cascade-Extraction-Method-for-Risking-Phosphorus-Leaching

[From: ASA-CSSA-SSSA Science Policy Report, 1 May 2019]


Mud and guts: Europe’s forgotten environmental crisis

The dirt scientists know their work isn’t glamorous. But alarmed soil experts at the Netherlands Institute of Ecology, where scientists conduct crop studies lasting decades, say human activity above ground has wreaked havoc below. Chemical spills, industrialized farming, urban sprawl and erosion are gnawing away on one of the world’s most relied-upon natural resources. It’s a problem that some soil scientists liken to climate change: glacial, inexorable, potentially disastrous if it’s left unaddressed. The European Commission estimates Europe loses 9 million metric tons of soil annually — equivalent to 275 soccer pitches each day. Regaining just one cubic centimeter of topsoil can take centuries

Read more: https://www.politico.eu/article/europe-forgotten-environmental-crisis-soil/

[From: ASA-CSSA-SSSA Science Policy Report, 1 May 2019]


Concerns over glyphosate pass from human health to the soil

When François Peaucellier talks about soil, he sounds like a sommelier. Peaucellier, who grows cereals and vegetables on a 200-hectare farm in the Hauts-de-France region north of Paris, is part of small but growing movement of farmers who are cutting back on pesticides not so much out of concerns for human health — but because they worry about what it does to the soil. Public attention on the risk of pesticides has focused on what chemicals like glyphosate do to human health. A U.S. federal jury last week ordered Germany’s Bayer to pay more than $80 million to a man who claimed his cancer was caused by exposure to the weedkiller. But farmers like Peaucellier say the weedkiller’s impact on soil health has been overlooked, and represents a serious threat to Europe’s long-term food security.

Read more: https://www.politico.eu/article/glyphosate-concerns-pass-from-human-health-to-soil/

[From: ASA-CSSA-SSSA Science Policy Report, 1 May 2019]


When losing your soil means losing your livelihood (commentary)

In Niger, where agriculture is the main source of income, the message is simple: Losing your soil means losing your livelihood. The ability to grow food is inextricably linked to the productive capacity of the soil. In the case of Niger’s soil, the picture is bleak: The soils hold poor structural stability, low nutrient holding capacity, low water retention capacity… the list goes on.

Read more: https://news.mongabay.com/2019/05/when-losing-your-soil-means-losing-your-livelihood-commentary/?fbclid=IwAR1VLYXrkZzK5ZUECXIqt8FahVGXduRL1v95NjH_LjAznYcjXmdTU1hvLDg


Soil Biodiversity Observation Network Established

The Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON) and the Global Soil Biodiversity Initiative, together with the German Center for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv), have established the global Soil Biodiversity Observation Network (Soil BON). This operational network will be specified and deployed in the near future with other partners

Read https://geobon.org/bons/thematic-bon/soil-bon/

[From: GSBI Newsletter – May 2019]



The basics of a good farmland earthworm population includes two key parameters – spatial abundance (widespread earthworm activity over the field) and earthworm diversity (all three ecological types of earthworms) – with surface-dwelling earthworms supporting efficient crop residue breakdown facilitating crop seedling emergence, topsoil earthworms mixing and mobilising nutrients for plant uptake, and deep burrowing ‘drainage’ worms forming permanent vertical burrows helping to reduce waterlogging of crop roots. This framework was the basis of developing an earthworm survey method that would be useful and used by farmers.

Read more: https://www.globalsoilbiodiversity.org/blog-beneath-our-feet/2019/3/22/4ewwexsdm77v9qxyrp1hswhzvg605h

[From: GSBI Newsletter – May 2019]


New insights in belowground drivers of plant performance

Plants interact with a myriad of soil organisms ranging from microscopic bacteria, protists and fungi to animals such as nematodes, micro-arthropods and earthworms. When it comes to plant performance, these soil communities contain both many good and many bad guys. Plants affect the composition of this belowground biodiversity, and in turn soil organisms affect plant performance. This multi-directional process is called ‘plant-soil feedback’, and acts on a plant species-specific level.

Read more: https://www.globalsoilbiodiversity.org/blog-beneath-our-feet/2019/4/4/new-insights-in-belowground-drivers-of-plant-performance

[From: GSBI Newsletter – May 2019]


Contribute to the Special Issue on “Elucidating the Role of Soil Arthropods in Soil Health”

The Journal of Insects is requesting submissions to a special issue about the soil arthropods impacts on soil health. The deadline for manuscript submission is 31 August 2019

Read more: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/insects/special_issues/soil_arthropods

[From: GSBI Newsletter – May 2019]


Conferences, Meetings and Workshops


9th ESSC International Congress

September 26-28, 2019, Tirana, Albania. The European Society for Soil Conservation & the Agricultural University of Tirana are delighted to invite you to the 9th ESSC International Congress. In this 9th edition of the congress, the focus will be on “Soil’s Contribution to People: from Food to Life Supporting Services”.

Deadline of abstract submission: May 31, 2019

3rd Circular available at: http://9essc.ubt.edu.al/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/3rd-circular-ESSC-2019-Int.-Congress13_05_2019-1.pdf

Read more: www.9ESSC.UBT.EDU.AL


2019 ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting

The American Society of Agronomy, the Crop Science Society of America, and the Soil Science Society of America will host approximately 4,000 scientists, professionals, educators, and students at the 2019 International Annual Meeting, “Embracing the Digital Environment,” on November 10-13, 2019, in San Antonio, Texas.

This premier scientific meeting provides unlimited networking opportunities, scientific abstracts, oral and poster sessions, a robust exhibit hall, technical workshops, and professional and destination tours. Plus, there’s a career center, graduate and undergraduate programs, distinguished lecturers, awards, continuing education units, prizes, and more!

We invite you to attend and help create solutions to advance science. Final abstract deadline: June 11, 4:00 PM CDT

Read more: https://www.acsmeetings.org/


LOTEX2019 – 2nd Conference on Long-term Field Experiments

20-21 November, 2019, Nyíregyháza, Hungary.

The University of Debrecen, IAREF, Research Institute of Nyíregyháza and the Hungarian Soil Society are pleased to invite you to take part on the 2nd Conference on Long-term Field Experiments (LOTEX2019). The aims of this conference are to draw attention to the long-term experiments, to gather the soil and plant scientists and the representatives of the decision-making organisations to know each other, to share their knowledge and to disseminate the results of different topics. Abstract submission deadline: June 10, 2019

Read more: http://konferencia.unideb.hu/en/node/295

Contact: lotex2019@gmail.com



Global Symposium on Soil Biodiversity (GSOBI20)

10 – 12 March 2020, at Global Soil Biodiversity Initiative (GSBI) Headquarters in Rome, Italy.

This Symposium will be jointly organized by the Global Soil Partnership (GSP), the Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils (ITPS), the Global Soil Biodiversity Initiative (GSBI) and the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). The Global Symposium on Soil Biodiversity will bring together international experts with the aim of reviewing the status of knowledge on soil biodiversity and ecosystem services, the sustainable use and conservation of soil biodiversity, and the contributions of soil organisms to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Read more: http://www.fao.org/global-soil-partnership/resources/highlights/detail/en/c/1183872/



The Third Global Soil Biodiversity Conference

1-3 November, 2021, Dublin, Ireland


New publications

Plant-Soil Slope Interaction

By Charles Wang Wai Ng, Anthony Leung, Junjun Ni. 1st Edition published by CRC Press, May 2019, 182 Pages, 188 B/W Illustrations, ISBN 9781138197558, price hardback £109.95.

This inter-disciplinary book provides the latest advanced knowledge of plant effects on vegetated soil properties such as water retention capability, water permeability function, shear strength, slope hydrology, movements and failure mechanisms, and applies this knowledge to the solution of slope stability problems. It is the first book to cover in detail not only the mechanical effects of root reinforcement but more importantly the hydrological effects of plant transpiration on soil suction, soil shear strength, and water permeability. The book also offers a fundamental understanding of soil-plant-water interaction. Analytical equations are provided for predicting the combined hydrological and mechanical effects of plant roots on slope stability.

This book is essential reading for senior undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as researchers in civil engineering, geo-environmental engineering, plant ecology, agricultural science, hydrology and water resources. It also provides advanced knowledge for civil engineers seeking “green” engineering solutions to combat the negative impact of climate change on the long-term engineering sustainability of infrastructure slopes. Professionals other than civil engineers, such as ecologists, agriculturists, botanists, environmentalists, and hydrologists, would also find the book relevant and useful.

Read more: https://www.crcpress.com/Plant-Soil-Slope-Interaction/Ng-Leung-Ni/p/book/9781138197558


Natural and Enhanced Attenuation of Contaminants in Soils

By Raymond N. Yong, Catherine N. Mulligan. Second Edition published by CRC Press, April 23, 2019, 308 pages, 131 B/W Illustrations, ISBN 9781138066373, price £115.00, eBook Vital Source £103.50.

Natural attenuation has become an effective and low-cost alternative to more expensive engineered remediation. This new edition updates the principles and fundamentals of natural attenuation of contaminants with a broader view of the field. It includes new methods for evaluating natural attenuation mechanisms and microbial activity at the lab and field scales. Case studies, actual treatments and protocols, theoretical processes, case studies, numerical models, and legal aspects in the natural attenuation of organic and inorganic contaminants are examined. Challenges and future directions for the implementation of natural attenuation and enhanced remediation techniques are also considered.

Read more: https://www.crcpress.com/Natural-and-Enhanced-Attenuation-of-Contaminants-in-Soils-Second-Edition/Yong-Mulligan/p/book/9781138066373


Urbanization: Challenge and Opportunity for Soil Functions and Ecosystem Services

Proceedings of the 9th SUITMA Congress. Edited by Viacheslav Vasenev, Elvira Dovletyarova, Zhongqi Cheng, Tatiana V. Prokof’eva, Jean Louis Morel, and Nadezhda D. Ananyeva. Published in the Springer Geographybook series, 2019, ISBN 978-3-319-89602-1 price e-Book EUR 142.79.

This proceedings volume focuses on different aspects of environmental assessment, monitoring, and management of urban and technogenic soils. Soils of Urban, Industrial, Traffic, Mining and Military Areas (SUITMAs) differ substantially from their natural zonal counterparts in their physical, chemical and biological features, their performed functions, and supported services. This book discusses the monitoring, analysis and assessment of the effects of urbanization on soil functions and services. Further, it helps to find solutions to the environmental consequences of urbanization and discusses best management practices such as management and design of urban green infrastructure, waste management, water purification, and reclamation and remediation of contaminated soils in the context of sustainable urban development.

This proceedings book appeals to scientists and students as well as practitioners in soil and environmental science, urban planning, geography and related disciplines, and provides useful information for policy makers and other stakeholders working in urban management and greenery.

Read more: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-89602-1#about


Modern Soil Microbiology, Third Edition

By Jan Dirk van Elsas, Jack T. Trevors, Alexandre Soares Rosad and Paolo Nannipieri; 3rd Edition published by CRC Press, April 24, 2019, 472 pages, 25 Colour & 73 b/w Illustrations, ISBN: 9781498763530; price hardback £61.60; eBook: £69.30; eBook Rental from £38.50.

The living soil is crucial to photosynthesis, biogeochemical cycles, global food production, climate change, biodiversity, and plant and animal health. In the past decade, scientists have made significant advances in soil microbiology research. While the basic principles are now better understood, knowledge has been forthcoming on the best available technologies and methods applied to researching soil microorganisms, their diversity, interactions, biochemistry, survival, gene expression, and their roles in global climate change, plant disease suppression and growth stimulation, and biogeochemical cycles. This knowledge can be applied to better predict the transformation of pollutants in soil and the activities of microbes in the rhizosphere. It will also assist us in fostering crop production in an era with an increasing human population and intensification of agriculture.

Following the tradition of its predecessors, Modern Soil Microbiology, Third Edition, is an indispensable source that supports graduate/undergraduate teaching for soil and environmental microbiologists in academia, as well as in government and industrial laboratories. It is a comprehensive collection of chapters on various aspects of soil microbiology, useful for all professionals working with soils. Compiled by internationally renowned educators and research scholars, this textbook contains key tables, figures, and photographs, supported by thousands of references to illustrate the depth of knowledge in soil microbiology.

Read more: https://www.crcpress.com/Modern-Soil-Microbiology-Third-Edition/Elsas-Trevors-Rosado-Nannipieri/p/book/9781498763530


IPBES Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

The first intergovernmental report of its kind and the most comprehensive analysis of nature since the landmark Millennium Ecosystem Assessment of 2005. Compiled by 145 expert authors from 50 countries over the past three years, with inputs from another 310 contributing authors, the Report assesses changes over the past five decades, providing a comprehensive picture of the relationship between economic development pathways and their impacts on nature. It also offers a range of possible scenarios for the coming decades.

The Report finds that around 1 million animal and plant species are now threatened with extinction, many within decades, more than ever before in human history. To increase the policy-relevance of the Report, the assessment’s authors have ranked, for the first time at this scale and based on a thorough analysis of the available evidence, the five direct drivers of change in nature with the largest relative global impacts so far. These culprits are, in descending order: (1) changes in land and sea use; (2) direct exploitation of organisms; (3) climate change; (4) pollution and (5) invasive alien species.

Read more: https://www.ipbes.net/news/Media-Release-Global-Assessment

The full six-chapter Report (including all data) is expected exceed 1,500 pages and will be published later this year.


Soil erosion: the greatest challenge for sustainable soil management

By Pennock, D.; Published by FAO, Rome, Italy, 2019, 100 pages, ISBN: 978-92-5-131426-5 Despite almost a century of research and extension efforts, soil erosion by water, wind and tillage continues to be the greatest threat to soil health and soil ecosystem services in many regions of the world. Our understanding of the physical processes of erosion and the controls on those processes has been firmly established. Nevertheless, some elements remain controversial. It is often these controversial questions that hamper efforts to implement sound erosion control measures in many areas of the world. This book, released in the framework of the Global Symposium on Soil Erosion (15-17 May 2019) reviews the state-of-the-art information related to all topics related to soil erosion.


Soil nutrient loss assessment in Malawi. Technical Report

By Christian Thine Omuto and Ronald Vargas. Published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the UNDP-UNEP Poverty-Environment Initiative and the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development, Malawi. 64 pages, ISBN 978-92-5-131142-4 (FAO).

Soil degradation and the consequent decline in plant available nutrients negatively affect agricultural productivity of the soil. In Malawi, soil degradation has been variously reported in the literature as an enemy of economic growth because Malawi is a largely agrarian economy. Soil degradation results in a decline in soil nutrient content and to the eventual deterioration of national food production and agricultural productivity. The government of Malawi and its development partners have called for an evaluation of the cost of soil loss in the country and its associated economic impacts. The aim of the present soil nutrient assessment study in Malawi was to quantify soil nutrient losses throughout the country for an economic assessment of overall national soil loss.

Read more: http://www.fao.org/3/CA2666EN/ca2666en.pdf


Soil and nutrients loss in Malawi: an economic assessment

By Solomon Asfaw, Carlo Orecchia, Giacomo Pallante and Alessandro Palma; published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the UNDP-UNEP Poverty-Environment Initiative and the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development, Malawi. ISBN 978-92-5-131141-7 (FAO).

Soil and nutrients loss are among the major impediments to a stable and sustained agricultural development in Malawi. They have historically affected the country but the high population growth, rapid deforestation, overgrazing and ploughing, combined with the impacts of climate change, such as temperature increases and changing precipitation patterns, are increasing the impact of these events that harm agricultural growth. This report analyses the economic impact of both soil and nutrient loss in Malawi with new country representative data on soil and nutrients loss indicators collected through field surveys, merged with detailed climatic data and socio-economic information. It translates soil loss/nutrient loss into yield loss and estimates the economic impact of loss on agricultural production as a result of soil degradation, followed by the identification of best practices to mitigate the soil and nutrient loss events.

Read more: http://www.fao.org/global-soil-partnership/resources/highlights/detail/en/c/1185031/?fbclid=IwAR1pyi9UUbH70rp0CDDSgXqV0TCkyajXv995gtYzldhQzC5lUDrvk4njAbc


IUSS Alerts are e-mailed to more than 2,300 individual subscribers and 80 national soil science societies globally. Please forward the IUSS Alerts to your friends and colleagues. Send information for IUSS Alerts to iuss@umweltbundesamt.at If you would like to receive the monthly IUSS Alert by email, please subscribe here https://iuss.org/index.php?article_id=685