A Centennial documentation of its national members
This book traces the history of the National Soil Science Societies that form the International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS). The IUSS was established during the Fourth International Conference of Pedology, held in Rome on the 19th of May 1924. At that time, it was named the “International Society of Soil Science, ISSS” and included only individual members. It was during the 16th Congress in Montpellier in 1998 that, after a lengthy debate and a strong push of members, new statutes were approved by the general assembly, introducing National Soil Science Societies as the main members of the society. On that occasion, the International Society of Soil Science (ISSS) was changed to IUSS as a Union of National Societies or Academies (the Full members), and an organization of soil scientists (the individual members of the national societies).
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Editors: Rainer Horn, Winfried Blum, Laura Bertha Reyes-Sánchez
Sponsor: International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS)
Le Penseur Publisher
ISBN 979-12-81552-03-6
Ist Edition – May 2024