IUSS Commission 3.3 – Soil Fer2lity and Plant Nutri2on
This webinar would provide an update on the status and recent advances on nutrient management across three regions of the world: Sub-Saharan Africa, Brazil, and Europe. Speakers are outstanding scientists who are willing to share their knowledge and expertise with an open audience.
Date: Tuesday May 7
- Hours: 9-11AM Atlanta/New York; 10AM-noon Argentina/Brazil; 1-3PM Ghana; 3-5PM Madrid/Rome; 6:30-8:30PM New Delhi; 9-11PM Beijing
- Duration: 2
- Webinar will be carried out through AACS (Soil Science Association of Argentina)
· Open to public, YouTube link: https://youtube.com/live/YZbvpYoZux8?feature=share
- Webinar will be recorded and made available at IUSS and AACS
- Advertised through IUSS, AACS, and any other media (national associations, others)
- Sub-Saharan Dr. Edward Yeboah. Council for Scientific and Industrial Research- Soil Research Institute, Kumasi, Ghana
Dr. Edward Yeboah is a Chief Research Scientist with 23 years working experience within the African landscape. He has strong interest in unravelling the mechanisms underlying nutrient and soil organic matter dynamics in tropical agroecosystems. He works extensively with farmer groups, input suppliers, and other to develop innovations, build capacity, and promote information exchange on soil fertility management practices for enhancing productivity of agriculture in Africa.
- Dr. Luis I. Prochnow. CEO Plant Nutrition Science and Technology (NPCT). Piracicaba, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Dr. Luis Prochnow is Chief Executive Officer of Plant Nutrition Science and Technology (NPCT). He was Professor at the University of São Paulo (USP), Department of Soil Science; Visiting researcher at the International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC), USA; General Director in Brazil of the International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI); General Coordinator of the Nutrients for Life Initiative (NPV); and Consultant at the Global Phosphorus Institute (GPI). Dr.
Prochnow is specialist in plant nutrition, phosphorus in agriculture and phosphate fertilizers.
- Dr. Luis Lassaletta. CEIGRAM/Dept. Agricultural Production, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Madrid, Spain.
Dr. Luis Lassaletta is an Associate Professor at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. He is the director for Europe of the International Nitrogen Initiative. He has worked in universities, research centers and public agencies in France, the Netherlands, and Spain. He has published more than 80 scientific papers on the sustainable management of nitrogen.
- Q&A, discussion
Fernando O. Garcia and Luke Gatiboni
Chairs Commisssion 3.3 Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition – IUSS fgarcia1957@gmail.com – Luke_Gatiboni@ncsu.edu
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